Terms & conditions


Nordic Car Services AS (further on “The Company”) is provider of limousine service and high end transportation services for its pre-registered business partners and private clientele. The Company provides its services in greater region of Oslo, Norway, as main area. Through network of external providers, the services are also provided outside of home region, which include abroad locations. Customers are able to book a limousine service worldwide though The Company.


1. Conditions

It is obligatory to have customer account registered and approved before first ride takes place. To register customer account, the customer must be minimum 18 years old. The account holder can choose to give children under the age of 18 access to his or her account through the application, which is entirely customers responsibility.


2. Customer account

To open the customer account, written request (e-mail) must be sent to the company.

To get customer account established, the customer needs to provide:

2.1 In case of private person:

Name, email, address, phone number, and valid payment method as credit card. Customer can request to get approved credit account with The Company.

2.2 In case of business account:
Name of the company, org. number, main office address, invoice address, invoice e-mail address, general phone number, contact person name and family name, phone and email address to contact person. In case that services will be booked by third person, such as personal assistant or secretary, details for such person would be required (name, family name, e-mail, mobile phone number). Customer can request to get approved credit account with The Company.

2.3 Responsibility

The holder of the account is responsible for definition of who is allowed to use the account to make reservations. The Company will not interfere with such settings. All such settings are done on web page of The Company with in log in area. Partially such settings / info is reachable in smart phones application.

2.4 Account activity

The user is responsible for all activity on his/her account. All information provided towards the company must be correct.

2.5 Start of use

Confirmation of established account follows by sending log in data which user can use both on web page and in smart phone application. The log in data are not supposed to be shared with anyone, and are not transferable to another person.


3. Open credit

Based on credit check procedure provided by external providers/s The Company reserve the rights to approve or decline opening credit on any customers account. This counts both for private and business customers. When customer credit is granted, the maximum amount (limit) is defined. Total value of bookings cannot exceed the defined credit limit.


4. Booking of services

It is possible to be book services of The Company by phone, e-mail, web page and application in smart phones. The customer is responsible for necessary data access and access to internet to be able to use the online booking/mobile booking services, and the costs that might come with data access.

The services can be booked 24 months ahead. Instant bookings made by smart phone applications can be executed immediately as long as car is available.

Overview of all bookings / ordered services is always visible online on web page of the company in Log in area of customer. The data are preserved for 24 months. 


5. Mobile phone apps and online booking

The user must have compatible hardware and make the necessary updates to use the smart phone application. The Company cannot guarantee that the application will work on all hardware. Smart phone application is offered per given moment for iPhone and Android platform.

The application might also be exposed to delays and errors due to the use of internet and electronic communication.

The Company is not responsible if massages are delayed or not received due to the user’s lack of internet access.


6. Data input

It is the user’s responsibility to input correct data during registration of new account, and every time a booking is made. The company is not responsible for error in typing date, times and other details of order when done by the customer, and order is valid as received unless changed in reasonable time ahead of execution.


7. Payments for services

Payment is executed through invoice (in case of granted credit on customer account) or by credit/debit card. The Company can charge the users registered credit card in appliance with the given prices on the different bookings. Nordic Car Service AS can also charge extra if the booking, when executed, differs from the original booking. This might be extra stops, extra waiting time or a longer travel distance the originally given by the user. Please refer to point 10 for more specific details.


8. Invoices

If not agreed otherwise the invoices are sent 2 times per month (mid and end of each month) with 10 days due day. Unpaid invoices are sent to debt collection after 1 reminder with 14 days due.  The invoice can only be sent towards entity who created the order.


9. Payment by credit card

If service is paid by credit card, the amount is drawn from the card when booking has been executed. The services can be paid by Visa, Master Card, American Express and BankAxept. All transactions are happening on highly secured solution from our supplier, The Company does not store any data about credit card details or any other personal data connected to the card ownership.


10. Cancellation

Cancellation of booking where the travel distance is longer than 40 kilometers must be made latest 2 hours ahead of pick up time. Cancellation later than 2 hours ahead of pick-up time will be charged in full. This also applies to changes is bookings.

Cancellation of booking where the travel distance is shorter than 40 kilometers must be cancelled less than 1 hour ahead of pick-up time. Cancellation less than 1 hour ahead of pick-up time will be charged in full. This also applies to changes in bookings.

Cancellation of instant booking will be charged NOK 100, additional charges for waiting time can be applicable according to price list of The Company.

Any order is cancelled after 60 min of waiting, if not agreed otherwise, or if no contact with customer through contact information given to The Company by the customer can be made during the waiting time.


11. Damages

The user is responsible for the costs of repairs of damage to, or necessary cleaning/rinse of vehicles and property other than normal wear and normal cleaning/rinse due to the customer’s actions.

If The Company and/or our drivers report on any damages made by the user, Nordic Car Service AS will convey this information to the user and inform of the extra charge to the user’s credit/debit card or account. 


12. Insurance case

In case of any damage to a car, property of The Company or third party properties made by the customer which results in opening of insurance case within travel (or other) insurance policy of the customer, The Company reserve the rights to have direct contact with customers Insurance company and exchange all necessary information and details needed to process the case. The Company can require the contact and policy number from the customer in order to process the insurance claim in shortest possible time.


13. Delays

The Company cannot be held responsible for unforeseen problems with traffic (ex accidents, floods, icy roads) that may cause delays in travel time. It is the customer’s responsibility to calculate enough travel time from pick-up to drop-off. The Company will only give an approximate driving time.


14. Contact

If there are any questions regarding stated terms & conditions do contact The Company: Nordic Car Service as, Hoffsveien 21 – 23, 0275 Oslo. Www.nordicservice.no; booking@nordicservice.